Follow these steps to safely grant publishing access.

Create Bundle ID

Step 1: Login to Apple Developer Account

  1. Go to Apple Developer Account
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID

Step 2: Create Bundle ID

  1. Reach out to [email protected] to get a bundle ID
  2. Go to Create Bundle ID
  3. Enter the following details:
  • Description: YOUR APP NAME
  • Bundle ID: BUNDLE ID obtained from Fenado AI Team
  1. Select the following capabilities:
  • ✓ Push Notifications
  • ✓ Sign In with Apple

Click “Continue”

  1. Click “Register”

Publishing to App Store

Step 1: Access App Store Connect

  1. Go to App Store Connect
  2. Sign in with your Apple Developer account

Step 2: Create a new App

  1. In the top menu, click “Apps”

  2. Click the ”+” button to add a new app

  3. Enter these details:

    • Platforms: iOS
    • Name: YOUR APP NAME
    • Primary Language: YOUR PRIMARY LANGUAGE
    • Bundle ID: BUNDLE ID created in the previous step
    • SKUs: SKU obtained from Fenado AI Team
    • User Access: Full Access

Click “Create”

Step 3: Add Fenado AI Agent as a User

  1. In the top menu, click “Users and Access”
  2. Click the ”+” button to add a new user
  3. Enter these details:

Then click “Next”.

  1. In “App Access for Fenado AI”, only select the new app

  2. Click “Invite” to send the invitation

Step 3: Verify Access

You can directly contact your dedicated account manager or WhatsApp or email [email protected] to verify access


  • You maintain complete control of your Apple Developer account
  • The publisher can only manage app submissions and updates
  • These permissions are necessary for automated app deployment
  • Contact support if you need help with permission settings

Step 4: Sit Back and Relax

Fenado AI will handle everything needed to publish your app to the App Store:

  • Generate app bundle
  • Create App Store listing
  • Add screenshots and descriptions
  • Configure app metadata

We’ll share a preview of the listing for your review before publishing.

Step 5: App Published ⭐

After your approval, Fenado AI will submit the app for App Store review. Once approved by Apple, your app will be live on the App Store!

The App Store review process typically takes 24-48 hours. We’ll keep you updated on the review status.