This is the legacy documentation for our original platform, Cades. Our platform has evolved significantly since then to offer both app and website creation capabilities. Find the new documentation here.

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Getting Started with Cades

Welcome to Cades, the world’s first AI mobile app developer. Transform your app ideas into reality in minutes with our AI-powered platform.

Create Your App

Start by describing your app idea and let our AI generate screen designs.

Prototype Sharing

Share app prototypes with a single click to gather feedback.

Customize and Deploy

Tailor your app to your brand and deploy it effortlessly to app stores.

Design Customization

Customize your app’s design to match your brand’s colors and style.

Automated Publishing (ALPHA)

Let our AI handle the publishing process for both iOS and Android platforms.

Virtual Testing (ALPHA)

Test your app instantly with our built-in virtual device emulation.


Develop and edit your app with our intelligent cloud IDE, featuring AI assistance and code autocomplete.