This is the legacy documentation for our original platform, Cades. Our platform has evolved significantly since then to offer both app and website creation capabilities. Find the new documentation here.

Adding Authentication

Step 1: Authentication Setup

Let’s install the social_auth_btn_kit package to add pre-styled authentication buttons for a professional look:

flutter pub add social_auth_btn_kit

Now prompt the following to add google sign in functionality:

Create a login page for my app, it should have google sign in for now, add the methods in auth service for google sign in
the login page should have the name of the app in center and then the google sign in button is used from social_auth_btn_kit package add the google sign btn reference
                variant: FacebookTypeVariants.outlined,
                onPressed: () {
                  debugPrint("DEBUG: Facebook Btn Pressed");

Step 2: Settings Page

Let’s create a settings page, which will display the user’s profile information and provide a logout option. This page will be accessible from the home screen and give users control over their account settings.

Create a settings page and link it with the home page and give the logout option and show the current user details in the settings page for now

Step 3: Loading State

Let’s create a loading state for the app to provide visual feedback during authentication:

In the login page show loading when google sign in is tapped and then when sign in is complete redirect to onboarding page, check logic on main.dart

Adding go_router Navigation

Using this prompt We were able to migrate the navigation stack of the project, to better manage any redirections for login checks, we want to protect pages that shouldn’t be accessible to user without login

Integrate go_router package for my app migrate all navigation to go_router

Add a simple redirect logic to the onboarding screen

In login screen when login is successful you need to go to the onboarding screen