This is the legacy documentation for our original platform, Cades. Our platform has evolved significantly since then to offer both app and website creation capabilities. Find the new documentation here.

Adding RevenueCat

Integrating RevenueCat into your app allows you to manage in-app purchases and subscriptions efficiently.

Initial Setup:

  • Sign up at RevenueCat and create a new project
  • Define your in-app products and subscription offerings in the RevenueCat dashboard. Ensure these match the products set up in your Google Play and Apple App Store accounts
  • Obtain the API keys for your project from the RevenueCat dashboard. You’ll need these to configure the SDK in your app

Integrate subscription functionality:

Integrate revenue cat in the project, here are the api keys..

Continue chatting with Cades to add the subscription flow to the app.

Customizing UI

Connect more APIs

Repeat the same process to integrate all the APIs.

You can use the same prompt for all the APIs, just change the api url and the sample response.

Ask Cades to create buttons, pages, sheets, drawers, etc. based on the design you have in mind, and add functionality to them.